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December 3, 1999

News On Gran Turismo 2
Well, in light of the conflicting information on the release of Gran Turismo 2 I made a call today to Sony to try and get the straight dope.

Unfortunately, no luck. The current official statement is that GT2 is still planned for a December release. Sony has not changed their ship date, and any retailers who have changed ship date projections for their stores have done so without Sony's input.

Hmmm... I guess four more days will tell the story. Although I can't see how it will make it for December 7th. The word I'm hearing from the developers grapevine is that GT2 for PS will not be released until early next year around the same time the GT release for the PS2 is shipped. The reason for this is that the developer had to pull dev resources from the PS group in order to insure that the PS2 version makes launch in Japan.


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