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 The Final Word game review

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Solar Eclipse -- Crystal Dynamics

Solar Eclipse, a Sega Saturn release from Crystal Dynamics, features high speed space combat and full motion video intermissions staring Claudia Christian of Babylon 5 fame.

Solar Eclipse is the best Crystal Dynamics game to date. The ship flight dynamics were very predictable unlike the horrible Total Eclipse and equally as horrendous Total Eclipse Turbo. I must admit that I had very low expectations when I first heard of Solar Eclipse, but all my concerns were laid to rest after booting it for the first time and realizing that it wasn't going to be like Total Eclipse. I highly recommend this one for all shooter fans and those who aren't as of yet.

The best shooter out for the Saturn, without a doubt. Music is good, play control is very percise and Crystal Dynamics finally resolved all of the play control problems I had from Total Eclipse and Total Eclipse Turbo. The skill level of this game is quite challenging. Graphics are top notch for the platform, and the story was quite gripping as well, giving me additional incentive to continue through the game. If you like shooters at all, you really should check out this game. It is, without a doubt, Crystal Dynamics best title to date -- both graphically and skill-wise.

>>>>> 44.5/50 <<<<< E.Phoenix R.I.P.
Graphics 4.5 5.0
Sound 4.0 4.0
Gameplay/Control 4.5 5.0
Longevity/Playability 4.0 4.5
Overall 4.5 4.5
Total 21.5 23.0
